Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan Prodi S1 Pendidikan Akuntansi FEB UNESA

Permenristekdikti number 55 of 2017 Article 1 Number 8, states that PLP is a process of observation / measurement carried out by students of Bachelor of education programs to study aspects of learning and coaching in education units
(Directorate General of Education and culture of the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education 2017).
PLP is a stage in the learning process of professional teachers at the level of Bachelor of education programs, consisting of an assessment of students to implement learning outcomes through observation of the learning process in schools/educational institutions, training to develop learning tools, and teaching and learning guidance, and related to pay attention to reflection under the guidance and guidance of guidance and Guardian teachers directly.
The implementation of PLP can be carried out both domestically and abroad. One of the implementation of PLP abroad is the SEA-Guru program, teaching in Indonesian schools
this is abroad.
PLP is a course that must be followed by students of S-1 education program. Through this course, students are given the opportunity to prove and prove their competence as a prospective teacher / consultant / facilitator. Students are expected to have personality stability as prospective teachers, counselors, facilitators, and involved in learning that allows students to develop professionalism on an ongoing basis and be able to apply it concretely in terms of:
1. Curriculum development and learning areas of study in a creative and innovative
2. Learning planning
3. Learning implementation
4. Evaluation of learning processes and outcomes
5. Implementation of character education in the form of school literacy program
6. Develop social competence and personality of learners.
As done by friends from Accounting Education who are carrying out PLP activities in various schools including SMKN 1 Surabaya, SMKN 4 Surabaya, SMKN 6 Surabaya, SMKN 10 Surabaya, SMK YPI Darussalam 2 Gresik, SMKS PGRI 2 Sidoarjo, SMKs Hidayatul Ummat Gresik, SMKS NU Gresik, SMKN 1 Kemlagi Mojokerto, SMKN 1 Lamongan, and SMKs Nurul Chotib Jember