The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology or Kemendikbudristek again implemented the teaching Practitioner program Batch 2 of 2023. To realize the program, the ministry signed MoUs with 245 universities, one of which is UNESA.
This teaching practitioner Program involved as many as 10,577 practitioners in the college. The involvement of practitioners is expected to adjust the needs of the world of work and industry (dudi) with the availability of college graduates.
Through this program, The Accounting Education program at Surabaya State University can bring in some great practitioners such as Mrs. Anindya Dianing Pratiwi, Mr. Rieswandha Dio Pramasatya, S.A., CBDA, and mother RR. Vera Yulianti, S.E, AK, CA, CPA, ASEANCPA to fill the teaching practitioner lecture for several days in april and may